As I said in my Call For Muses, I’m in Mexico working on my latest novel, which feels about as decadent and luxurious as life gets for a writer. I have the perfect setting to write. I’m away from all distractions.
So why the hell am I not writing?!
“You’re not going to want to hear this,” my best friend said to me yesterday, “but you need a day job. Writing all by yourself you have no one to celebrate or commiserate with you.”
She was absolutely right. Not about the day job thing (although that is a viable option I may consider one day), but about the loneliness thing. So I asked myself:
How can I make writing less lonely?
I’ve asked myself this question about 20 times a month for the past 10 years, yet each time I ask it, I’m struck with how important of a question it is for me. It’s why I’ve created writing community and made writing friends. It’s why I go to conferences and hang out on Twitter.
We all need people in our lives who get it.
So, after I hung up the phone with my best friend, I texted two writing buddies I know would understand my predicament. Turns out, they were also struggling with what I’m going to not call Lonely Writers Block.
Lonely Writers Block
- when you can’t write because you are lonely,
- when your creative muses have gone off in search of someone to talk to,
- when you feel like you’re on this roller coaster all by yourself so you hop off the ride.
My writer friend Carly Butler (check out her Life’s Letter project) suggested we shut off our phones, set an alarm for an hour, and check back in when the timer goes off. And it worked! I wrote over a thousand words in that hour, double what I had written during the eight hours before it.
Because I was accountable to someone to get off social media and write, I actually wrote.
The benefits of accountability of productivity have been proven time and time again. I offer accountability coaching for other writers. I preach about the importance of accountability partners at conferences. One of the reasons I announced I was writing this novel was so I’d be held accountable for actually writing it.
Yet, I still feel like I lack camaraderie in my daily writing goals. Which is why I’ve decided to start posting my goals on the Creativity Squared Writers Facebook group.
Do you need some writing accountability in your life?
Join me in posting what you hope to achieve that day. Even if it is as simple as “I want to write a single sentence,” telling others you’re going to write helps you actually do it.
Taking a day off of writing? Post that too! We’ll help hold you accountable for self-care as well.
Whatever you need to do as a writer, this group is designed to help support you in getting it done.
Join us. Let’s write together.
Every other month I focus on my writing, and every other month I focus on helping you through private coaching. My coaching is intimate and intensive, so I only take a limited number of clients a month.
Click here to reserve one of my 3 coaching spots in June.
April sold out in less than 24 hours, so grab your spot today!
I offer two kinds of personalized coaching:
- Bawdy Love™ coaching: Live audaciously and feel more comfortable and confident in your body.
- Creativity Squared™ consulting: Ditch the starving artist cliché and make a living as a writer, artist or other creative.
After you reserve your spot, I’ll send you a welcome email with questions to answer before our first session. Then we’ll hop on the phone three times to delve deeply into the issues you bring up in your questionnaires and help you thrive mentally, physically, and financially.