Announcing Bawdy Love: 10 Steps to Profoundly Loving Your Body, now open for VIP enrollment!

I can’t stop smiling. After a year of working out the logistics, months of preparation, and 12 years of researching, writing, imagining, goal setting, collaborating, and dreaming, I can finally say BAWDY LOVE IS OPEN FOR ENROLLMENT!

How Bawdy Love Came to Being

2014-09-27 19.43.19-1About two years ago, my partner at the time and I were having an argument which ultimately centered around me not fully believing that she – a tall, athletic, fit person – could love me – a short, fat, asthmatic person. In my head, logically, I knew that she loved me and was extremely attracted to my body – she’d proven it over and over again – yet I was still stuck in this cycle of distrust, having been told my whole life that someone with my body does not get to have love.

Hating myself came easy. It was something I’d done for a long time. Even though it hurt, even though it was self-destructive, even though it kept me from thriving in life, I kept doing it. It was my drug, the easy solution to numbing the pain of life’s disappointments. I didn’t have to work at love, because I was unworthy of it.

I was – and still am struggling with – the addiction of self-hatred.

I remember crying with my head in Alex’s lap, searching desperately for a solution, for a way to kick this self-hate habit. “I wish there were a 12 Step program for the toxic cycle of self-hatred.”

Immediately, I sat up, both of us excited. “Make one!” she said, enthusiastically. “I’m going to make one!” I said, beaming, a feeling of empowerment taking over my whole being.

And that was the beginning of Bawdy Love.


What is Bawdy Love?

Bawdy Love is a revolution, one that proclaims every body is worthy of love, and no body is shameful.

Bawdy Love is a community, a group of body-freedom-fighters dedicated to ending societal body shame.

Bawdy Love is a 10 step motivational program to help you kick the habit of self-hate and replace it with the practice of radical self-love.



Bawdy Love is an interactive online course featuring an extensive workbook taking you through each step, weekly coaching calls, and daily meditations and writing prompts. It also includes an exclusive members-only online support group, Q&A interviews with celebrities who have battled their own body image issues and inspire others to do the same.


“This time of year tends to leave a lot of us feeling guilty and shameful about our bodies, and it’s hard to know where to even start to push back against that mentality and find the path to radical self-love. The answer is right here.” -A. B.


More intimately, Bawdy Love is my way to share the tips, tricks, and tools I’ve learned to battle self-hatred, and use the skills I’ve gathered through my own personal journey to empower people to love themselves as they are right now, right here, no exceptions.

To learn more about what the program entails, check out I’ve got loads of  juicy details for you over there.


Still have questions, not sure Bawdy Love is for you?

Let’s hop on the phone together and chat. Click here to schedule a 20-minute free consultation with me.

I’m still smiling.

There has been a giant, mega smile on my face since this morning. That’s how excited I am about birthing this program into the world. If you’re as excited as I am, let me know in the comments below, on Twitter, or in the #BawdyLove FB group, which is open to anyone interested in combating body shaming, whether you’ve signed up for the program or not.


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