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Writing with ADHD: Your Creative Superpower for Book Writing

When someone tells me they can’t write a book because they have ADHD, I get excited. Why? Because I believe ADHD isn’t a barrier to writing – it’s actually a superpower for creative...

When Life Has Other Plans: Navigating Business Through Health Challenges

On Christmas Eve, I found myself rushed to the hospital with stabbing pain in my back so intense I could barely breathe. I felt like I’d swallowed a sword. For the first time in my life, when a...

Why Rest Isn’t Always the Answer: Redefining Self-Care for Ambitious Creatives

During my book launch for Because Fat Girl, I experienced something that completely changed my perspective on rest. As we made plans to launch Because Fat Girl out into the world, I cleared my...

Overcoming Rejection: How I Built Resilience as a Writer

My overnight success took twenty years. Right now, my novel, BECAUSE FAT GIRL, is in the bestsellers section of airports across the country. While I don’t yet have actual numbers, I can...

How Stories Shape Rights: From Lawrence to Obergefell and the Ongoing Fight for LGBTQ+ Equality

Why Knowing the Law Matters While in law school, I interned at the National Center for Lesbian Rights and worked on their legal helpline. I spent months helping non-biological parents gain...

Should you tell that story publicly?

Are you afraid of putting yourself out there on the Internet {{ subscriber.first_name | strip | default: “” }}? Sometimes it can be really hard for me to exist in a queer, fat...

Writing your book is about more than just you.

My local fiction-focused bookstore just sent out a list of the LGBTQIA+ books that have come out between last pride and this one.  Mind you, they’re a store that actively seeks out LGBTQIA+...

A little summer lovin’ for your creative self

This summer, I want you to start a torrid love affair with your creative self. Romance your writerly side. Make love to your muses. Date yourself. Here are some ideas to get you started...

I lost my desire to write. Here’s how I got it back again.

Have you ever just completely lost your desire to do something you love? This winter, I lost my desire to be a writer. Really, I lost my desire to do anything. Between my nephew dying of cancer, the...