Boomtastic happenings you don’t want to miss reading about, including last chance for my free course!

It’s all happening! SO MUCH GOOD STUFF!

Sometimes I go through these periods where it seems nothing at all is happening and other times it all comes together at once and *boom* magic.

The next couple of weeks are going to be full of boomtastic magic. They’re the kind of weeks that make the seemingly dormant months full of planning all totally worth it.

Here’s what my team and I have in store for you for the next few weeks:

1. The Bawdy Love podcast is launching!

For almost a year now, you’ve been requesting that I turn my popular interviews and Q&As into a more accessible podcast format. You asked for it, you got it!

From porn stars to record breaking athletes, plus-size models to listeners just like you, I chat with revolutionaries who have overcome a myriad of emotional and physical obstacles to get to a place of love, acceptance, and respect for their bodies – and give you the tips, tricks, and tools you need to do the same.

In honor of the Bawdy Love Podcast launching, Little Black Box (our very first sponsor) and I are giving away over $300 in prizes for you!

Keep your eye on your inbox because over the next week, I’ll be sending information on how to enter the giveaway and exclusive sneak peeks at the first few episodes your way.

2. My online course Silencing Your Inner Critic is revamped and ready to go, complete with all new audio meditations.

Here’s the hitch though, on Sunday, August 9 at around noon, I’m going to take the old free version of the course down and put the new version up for $59.

That means you only have 2 days to get the old Silencing Your Inner Critic course for free. If you’d like to take advantage of the course while it’s free, click here to sign up.

This is just the beginning of a series of accessible and affordable courses I’ll be offering, courses that allow you to get the benefits of a month of coaching with me without the expense. Keep your eye out for more courses opening enrollment in the next few weeks, including Bawdy Love™ Beginnings and Daily Decadence™ in Your Workplace.

3. is getting a makeover.

Do you ever feel like you’re just wearing the wrong clothes? Like there’s nothing really wrong with how you look, your clothes are in style and fit to the standards of what others are wearing, but it’s just not you? That’s how the look of was for me.

My team and I liked it, there was nothing wrong perse with it, but it just didn’t say “Lauren” to me.

The new site screams Lauren. It screams Lauren from the top of a mountain, full force, yodeling all the way.

I can’t wait to show you the more authentic graphic representation of me that my wonderful team over at Splendidly Curious has designed and is getting ready to reveal very soon. Here’s a hint: if the last one was Pottery Barn, this one is vintage store shopping.

4. I’m opening up one-on-one coaching slots!

Before this week, I only offered individual coaching to people who took my Bawdy Love™ 10-week program or who attended one of my retreats. Unfortunately, that left many of you wanting one-on-one time with me but unable to get it.

Starting next week, I’ll offer individual, personalized coaching to a limited number of new clients. If you want one of these few spots before I open them up to the public, reply to this email and I’ll send you more information.

5. I adore you!

Ok, this isn’t a new announcement, but I still wanted to say it. I adore you. You inspire me to keep doing what I do, you encourage me to keep taking the guilty out of pleasure, to keep helping people see the intrinsic worth in their bodies and themselves.

The podcast, the new courses, the site revamping, the opening of coaching slots, all of this is because of you and for you.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy you.

With love and light,


P.S. When the podcast launches next week, I would absolutely LOVE your help supporting it. Along with spreading the word on social media, it would mean the world to me if you could rate and review it on iTunes during the first week.

This helps the show get into the New and Noteworthy section, which helps us reach a larger audience, get sponsors, and keep the podcast running, which in turns helps you be able to continue to hear inspiring interviews from amazing people.

It’s a win-win for all of us! So next week when the show launches, please take a couple minutes to rate and review it on iTunes. Thank you ahead of time! You’re the best.

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