Karolyn Gehrig on #Hospitalglam and reclaiming medical spaces

Making space for disability and illness, and reclaiming medical areas, on Episode 23 of the Bawdy Love Podcast.

Karolyn Gehrig is done feeling overlooked in medical institutions. As a person with an invisible disability, she’s in and out of doctor’s offices, and while they’re places made to house patients they rarely are designed with comfort in mind. Karolyn created #Hospitalglam to make a statement: we need to create patient-first care, including spaces that help patients feel like their full identities – not just a body with an illness or disability.

In this episode, we talk about discomfort experienced in medical institutions and our ability to reclaim them through photography. We recognize that illness is part of life, but not a complete identity, and we examine some of the life changes that come with experiencing illness or disability.

Sign-up for the Bawdy Love Podcast newsletter and get bonus content, exclusive deals, and my secret episode Silencing Your Inner Critic During Sex. Past episodes, longer show notes and more can be found at our episode archive. Check out the Bawdy Love Instagram for more inspiration.

Topics covered in this conversation include:

chronic illness, disability, hospitals, doctors, fashion, appropriation, relationships

Quotables from this episode:

More About Karolyn Gehrig

Karolyn Gehrig is a queer disabled artist and writer currently living in Los Angeles.

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Bawdy Love is a revolution, one full of people audacious enough to stand up and say “I am worthy of love as I am right here, right now, no exceptions. My body deserves to be seen, my voice deserves to be heard. I will not shrink. I will expand and thrive.”

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Sign-up for the Bawdy Love Podcast newsletter and get bonus content, exclusive deals, and my secret episode Silencing Your Inner Critic During Sex. Past episodes, longer show notes and more can be found at LaurenMarieFleming.com/Podcast.

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