What do you want from the Bawdy Love revolution in 2016?

You all are an important part of the Bawdy Love revolution. It exists for you and would not exist without you.

I want to make sure I’m giving you the tools you want and need. To do that, I need your input.

  • What were your favorite Bawdy Love moments of 2015?
  • What would you like to see offered in 2016?
  • How can we better help you along this path towards loving yourself as you are right now, right here?

Help shape the Bawdy Love revolution by answering a few quick questions in the Typeform below.

If it doesn’t appear on your browser, you can answer the questions by clicking here.

The survey closes December 28 so my team and I have time to read and implement your suggestions. Thank you so very much for your help in making Bawdy Love the most impactful revolution it can be.

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